In this project, you get to design an H195 discussion! You will build a lesson plan for a 50-minute discussion for a group of your choice to engage critically with the social context of a particular computing technology or concept. We will provide readings on pedagogical practices.
Try to decide whom you will invite to the discussion before you pick your readings. This isn’t a hard requirement, but it will probably make it easier to have an impactful conversation.
You may do this assignment in pairs.
The topic can be, broadly, anything that you are interested in as long as it has a computing component and a society component.
Some of the things that you shared at the beginning of the term in response to the question “What do you want to get out of this course?” might be good starting points.
Make a copy of this google doc template, add your last name to the title (and the last name of your parter if applicable), and submit a commentable link of your copy to bCourses.
In your doc few sentences explaining your chosen computing topic and how you plan to draw a connection to society or identity concepts.
Additionally, please provide at least one possible form of media (reading, movie, video, tweet, etc.) your discussion participants will be expected to look at beforehand. You aren’t obligated to stick with the media you choose at this step – this is just to give me a sense of the direction you’re planning on going.
Finally, in discussion we’ll be asking about everyone’s ideas! No formal prep for this is needed, just come to class with ideas :)
For example, if Ethan were to do this assignment, Ethan might design a discussion
around FOSS (free and open-source software), covering its history and
sustainability in capitalism, and select the
README by zloirock as a possible pre-reading. If you’re
uncertain whether a topic would be a good fit, please ask!
This part is due Thu 09/28
Please read the following:
Select and finalize 1-4 pieces of media that students should read prior to discussion that will situate your chosen technology or concept in the context of society. Student media should take about 1 to 1.5 hours in total, maximum. Add this to your doc.
The UC Berkeley library is a good source for accessing possible readings.
Come up with a rough lesson plan that should last for about 50-minutes of discussion to engage the students critically with the social context and implications of your chosen topic. If you can’t get your group to meet for that long it can be shorter, but make a plan for at least 50 minutes. Write the rough lesson plan in your doc. (Hint: In a discussion, 50 minutes of discussion will take less planning than you think. You won’t be lecturing at the students, so you mostly need to plan to have enough interesting questions such that your students will be talking for 50 minutes! If you aren’t sure what counts as enough, feel free to ask us.)
Create a slidedeck to hold your discussion with. If you don’t want to use slides for your discussion (maybe you think the conversation will flow more naturally without them) just make a note of it in the doc and make sure your lesson plan is sufficiently detailed for you to use in the pilot.
Pilot: Try your discussion out with 2-7 people! If you are in a pair, try with 3-7 people. Make sure to ask your students to look at the media beforehand - but make the discussion in such a way that they are still able to participate even if they did not look at the chosen media.
Then, complete a one-page writeup that consists of:
In class, we will ask you to talk briefly about your discussion and how it went. In this synopsis you should include: