H195 QQCRs

This assignment is only for CS H195 students. For the CS 195 version of this assignment, see the 195 QQCR page.

Similar to CS 195 students, CS H195 students must do weekly QQCRs (Questions, Quotes, Comments, Replies) on Recommended and Required articles weekly.

QQCR Location

H195 QQCRs should be done in the H195 Specific Edstem, not in the General 195/H195 Edstem. This includes QQCRs for articles that are shared between 195 and H195.

Generally, H195 students should not need to post on the 195/H195 Edstem, unless they have a question that pertains to both 195 and H195 students. We encourage you to ask H195-specific questions on the H195-specific Edstem to keep things better organized.


QQCR stands for Question, Quote, Comment, or Reply. The QQCR assignment is a short weekly assignment to help you reflect on the readings and contribute to the upcoming class discussion.

Before lecture each week

Post at least one QQCR on each Recommended or Required 195 Reading in the H195 Ed.

Before discussion each week

Post at least one QQCR on each Recommended or Required H195 Reading in the H195 Ed.


To receive full credit for a given week:

  • You have posted at least one QQCR for each Recommended/Required reading for the week in the H195 Ed
  • 195 QQCRs are done by the time of 195 lecture
  • H195 QQCRs are done by the time of 195 discussion
  • The total number of your QQCRs meets or exceeds seven
  • Your QQCRs show effort and thought
  • Your QQCRs are at least five sentences each

    To receive full credit for the semester:

  • You have completed 10 of the 13 QQCRs

Your QQCRs will be graded periodically throughout the semester by instructors.


QQCRs do not need to be public. You can remain anonymous if you have something potentially controversial or personal to say. If anonymity will help you say something you otherwise wouldnโ€™t, please do not hesitate to use it. We want for this class to be an opportunity for you to engage critically with the material. Please note that TAs and the professor can still see your identity.

Regrade/Late policy

You have 3 drops on the QQCR assignment. Please use these before asking for extensions or regrades.

Regrade windows will be opened twice during the semester (around Week 7 and during RRR week). During this period, you may review/update your QQCR(s), but you must email the instructor of any specific resubmission(s) so they can regrade your work.

Respect and Community

Please be respectful and professional to your peers and generally. Hatred or unnecessary commentary on others will not be tolerated.

Large Language Model Usage

We assume you are in H195 because you are personally interested in the class. We want for commentary you make about articles to be your own, from your own reading and interpretation of the article. We find that LLM usage generally results in posts that appear to be low-effort or uninspired. If we find your post to fit this criteria, we may ask you to rewrite it.

If you feel like you are in a position where you must use AI aid to get through the class please come speak to us. We trust you are in this class with good interests. We want to help you and donโ€™t want you to be in a position in which you feel like you have to be dishonest to succeed. We may be able to excuse you from parts of the assignment or find alternative accommodation for you to be able to feel comfortable doing the class work on your own.


QQCR guidelines are adapted from Professor Kristen Stephens-Martinez at Duke University.