Social Implications of Computer Technology

CS 195, Fall 2023

CS H195: Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology

Jump on this page:

  • CS H195 Syllabus: link
  • Projects: link
  • CS H195 Weekly Readings and Journal Entries: link
Date Discussion Topic Slides Readings
08/24 01 Why Are We Here? link jump
08/31 02 Social Connection and Time Well-Spent link jump
09/07 03 Data Privacy link jump
09/14 04 Software Risks and Professional Ethics link jump
09/23 05 Technosolutionism link jump
09/28 06 Government Censorship and Surveillance link jump
10/05 07 Algorithmic Bias and Fairness link jump
10/12 08 Project 1 Presentations / Generative AI, Part I link jump
10/19 09 Generative AI, Part II link jump
10/26 10 Project 3 Brainstorm / Silicon Valley and the U.S. link jump
11/02 11 Tech and Labor link jump
11/09 12 CS Education link jump
11/16 13 Memes, Misinformation, and Information Literacy link jump
11/23 Break: No Class! link jump
11/29 14 Project 3 Presentations / What Now? link jump

Projects #

  Project Project
  CS H195 QQC Journal Mon 08/21 ongoing link
  Teaching Computing in Society Thu 09/21 Thu 10/12 link
  Technology and the Community Thu 10/26 Thu 11/30 link

CS H195 Syllabus #

Course components #

To pass this course, you must:

  • Attend most CS 195 lectures,
  • Be present at all CS H195 discussions,
  • Complete all CS 195/H195 readings and CS 195 surveys,
  • Keep your QQC journal up-to-date with all CS 195/H195 readings and H195 additional journal entries, and
  • Complete passing work on all CS H195 projects.

QQC Document: QQC for CS H195 is different from QQC for CS 195. We have time for discussing the readings in section, so instead of posting on Ed you will jot down notes about your readings in a running QQC document to prepare for class discussion. See the QQC document page for more details.

Grading Policy: We understand things come up during the semester and synchronous participation may not always be possible. This course is P/NP, and we will make every effort to work with you to help you pass this course.

CS 195 lecture attendance and CS195 survey completion will be graded according to CS195 course policies. Attendance is expected at every CS H195 discussion. If you need to miss any, we’d appreciate early notice so we can assign you make up work.

Accessing Readings: You do not need to purchase any books for this course; most are available either openly or via the library. To use the online UC Berkeley Library: Visit and authenticate with CalNet. Then search for online access to the book you are searching for. Alternatively, use the Library proxy bookmarklet, which works well for academic papers. If access is not available through the Library, then we will provide additional links as needed.

CS H195 Readings and Journal Entries #

11/16 Lecture 13: Memes, Misinformation, and Information Literacy #

No required readings this week. Good luck on your projects!


11/09 Lecture 12: CS Education #

11/02 Lecture 11: Tech and Labor #

Slides: link

10/19 Lecture 09: Generative AI, Part II #


10/12 Lecture 08: Project 1 Presentations / Generative AI, Part I #


  • No readings! Work on project!

10/05 Lecture 07: Algorithmic Bias and Fairness #


09/28 Lecture 06: Government Censorship and Surveillance #


  • CS 195 Week 6 readings.
  • Simone Browne, Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness. link
    • Introduction (p. 18-20), Definitions of Surveillance and Sousveillance; and Applications to Rodney King / LA riots
    • Epilogue (p. 161-164)
  • 1992 LA riots
    • NPR, George Holliday, Who Shot The Video Of Officers Beating Rodney King, Has Died link
  • Optional
    • Virginia Eubanks, Automating Inequality link
    • NPR, When LA Erupted In Anger: A Look Back At The Rodney King Riots link

09/23 Lecture 05: Technosolutionism #


  • Introduction, Ch.1-2. Evgeny Morozov, To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technology Solutionism, 2013. link

09/14 Lecture 04: Software Risks and Professional Ethics #


  • CS 195 Week 4 readings.
  • p. 18 - 24. CITI training - Internet-based Research. link

09/07 Lecture 03: Data Privacy #


  • CS 195 Week 3 readings, the optional are highly recommended
  • Introduction: Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology. (e-book via library)


  • Fill out a reading notes form for each reading (we’ll talk more about grading during discussion).
  • What are your goals in this course, or what do you want to get out of it?
  • Are there any particular topics you want us to cover more in depth?

08/31 Lecture 02: Social Connection and Time Well-Spent #


  • CS 195 Week 2 readings.
  • Chapters 1 and 2. Beverly Tatum, Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?. 1997 (and 2017). UC Berkeley Library.
  • Introduction and Chapter 1. bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. 1994. Available via EBSCOhost Ebooks.

QQC Journal:

  • Start your QQC journal and submit as a Google Doc link on bCourses.
    • Include your QQCs for the Week 2 CS195 readings and CSH195 readings.
    • Include an Additional Journal Entry:

      1. Take 60 seconds and write down as many words or phrases that fill in the blank of “I am …” Include this as a list.

      2. What are your goals in this course, or what do you want to get out of it? Write 1-2 paragraphs.

08/24 Lecture 01: Why Are We Here? #