CS H195 Syllabus and Assignments

Table of contents

  1. Course Overview
    1. Enrollment
    2. Description
  2. Staff Contact
  3. Course Components and Grading
  4. Assignments and Schedule
    1. Readings / QQC
  5. Absence and Late Policy
  6. Academic Integrity and Community Guidelines

Course Overview


If interested, please fill out the interest form listed on the Course Catalog. Course applications for H195 are due by the end of Week 2.


CS H195 discussions complement and supplement the topics presented in CS 195 lecture series. Students are expected to engage at a deeper level with the assigned weekly readings and be prepared to engage in thoughtful and constructive discussions around the course material. Where applicable, we will invite guest speakers from industry and academia to present their work and to participate in discussions alongside students. CS H195 will encourage students to go beyond thinking about computer technology as solely an engineering problem but instead viewing it holistically from the perspective of social sciences, legal studies, policymaking, equity, and inclusion.

CS H195 is a 3-unit class with the following expectations:

  • In addition to CS 195 lecture, you attend 90-minute in-person discussion sections led by a GSI, once weekly.
  • You will actively discuss each CS 195 topic in more depth.
  • You will work on interesting projects / papers that replace the usual CS 195 assignments.

Staff Contact

The best (and fastest) way to contact the staff is through the Ed discussion board. Additionally, feel free to drop by or schedule a meeting for our office hours. More information about the office hours is available on the staff page.

If you need to contact the course staff for personal reasons, you can contact us at cs195@berkeley.edu.

Course Components and Grading

CS H195 is graded P/NP. The reason for this policy is to ensure that you can feel free to express opinions that are different from those of the instructors, both in class meetings and in written and spoken work.

In order to receive a passing grade in CS H195, you must complete the following:

Course Component Overview
Lectures Attend at least 10 out of 13 CS 195 lectures (excludes Lecture 01)
Discussions Attend all CS H195 discussions.
Surveys Complete all CS 195 course surveys (about 7 in the semester)
Readings / QQCR Keep your QQCRs up-to-date
H195 Projects Complete passing work on all CS H195 projects.

Assignments and Schedule

Note you do not complete CS 195 podcasts. Instead, CS H195 projects and deadlines are listed here:

Project Released Due
CS H195 QQCRs โ€“ ongoing
Teaching Computing in Society Thu 10/03 Thu 10/24
Teachnology and the Community Thu 11/07 Thu 12/05

These are also located on the sidebar, H195 Assignments.

Readings / QQC

Question, Quote, Comment for CS H195 is different from QQC for CS 195. We have time for discussing the readings in section, so instead of posting on Ed you will jot down notes about your readings in a running QQC document to prepare for class discussion. See the H195 QQCRs page for more details.

CS H195 readings include both CS 195 readings and CS H195 readings. The former usually consists of articles; the latter is more often literature and research. We expect you complete CS 195 readings in time for the corresponding lecture and CS H195 readings in time for the corresponding section. These are listed on each lecture page when it exists.

You do not need to purchase any books for this course; most are available either openly or via the library. To use the online UC Berkeley Library: Visit https://search.library.berkeley.edu/ and authenticate with CalNet. Then search for online access to the book you are searching for. Alternatively, use the Library proxy bookmarklet, which works well for academic papers. If access is not available through the Library, then we will provide additional links as needed.

Absence and Late Policy

We understand things come up during the semester and synchronous participation may not always be possible. This course is P/NP, and we will make every effort to work with you to help you pass this course.

CS 195 lecture attendance and CS195 survey completion will be graded according to CS195 course policies. Attendance is expected at every CS H195 discussion. If you need to miss any, weโ€™d appreciate early notice so we can assign you make up work.

Academic Integrity and Community Guidelines

We expect you to adhere to UC Berkeleyโ€™s Code of Conduct. Please read the Academic Integrity and the Community Guidelines sections of the CS 195 Syllabus.